Sorta Sunday Punday

I don’t really have a new pun for this Sunday, but I do have a weird coincidence and TMI. Remember when I shared our 2020 credo and my unintentional abbreviated “mo’ noods” double entendre? Well, my favorite underwear company must be reading this blog because one of their special Valentine’s releases was this cheeky pattern…


(c) KAHS 158
The paradox being that, when I wear them, I am no longer nood. (Photo and design from I can only WISH my butt looked like that! Either of them, really.)



Getting that advertisement email in my inbox was one of those moments where I was half like “the universe is listening, and my terrible puns have unlocked The Secret!” and half like “oh shit–my devices totally ARE listening.”


And, yes, of course I have a pair now. The credo demands it!


(Also, this post is in no way sponsored. I just really love MeUndies. [Hey, MeUndies, wanna be my sponsor? DM me!]. Super comfortable, yaddayaddayadda. Really, I get way too much satisfaction from being able to thematically coordinate my unders to my agenda, especially when my pizza pants serve as the day’s vision board.)



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